The 2nd level Master’s Degree in Quantum Science and Technologies aims to provide professional training for entering the world of extra-academic work in the quantum technology sector. Since this is an extremely advanced and rapidly evolving sector, it is necessary to train highly qualified and specialized personnel, with skills that are transversal to the usual disciplines in which the university system is divided. Quantum technologies represent a paradigmatic example of interdisciplinarity.

A qualifying educational objective of the master’s degree is to provide, during the first semester, basic knowledge of quantum computer science, quantum information, computation, communication metrology and sensing, as well as Artificial Intelligence for quantum technologies. During the second semester, specific topics are explored in depth, such as quantum sensing, quantum machine learning, algorithms, networking and cybersecurity, as well as materials, devices and electronics for solid-state quantum technologies.

The courses will focus on the development and use of specific quantum technologies applied to use cases of industrial interest and will be held in parallel with the internship in the company, lasting 4 months. In this way, a second specific qualifying training objective will be achieved, which consists in providing the knowledge necessary for the application and management of quantum technologies in strategic sectors for the development of a Quantum ecosystem.

The scientific skills present in the Departments involved (DFA, DMI and DIEEI) and the important local industrial context, make the University of Catania an elective location to start a professional training process in Southern Italy in an innovative and rapidly developing sector.