Quantum Technologies Research at UniCT

Quantum Technologies (QT), which emerged at the end of the 20th century, are today a thriving meeting point between fundamental and applied research. The revolutionary novelty of QT is the use of the most intriguing and mysterious phenomena of Nature (such as entanglement and the collapse of the quantum state) to develop new functional paradigms of “quantum machines”, capable of applications that are unattainable within the framework of current technologies.

A research unit on Condensed Matter Theory and QT has been operating at the University of Catania for more than 25 years. Recently, the perspective has broadened towards applied research, within the framework of the two large strategic PNRR projects on the topic, namely the Extended Partnership NQSTI and the National Center ICSC. UniCT participates in these as a founding body, and from here QuCaT was born: an academic initiative that involves various disciplinary sectors of the technological field.

QuCaT’s activity includes research in fundamental theoretical physics (dynamics and control of open quantum systems, solid-state systems, particle physics), experimental physics (materials for QT, sensors) and in other areas of applied research (artificial intelligence, electronics, computer science).

In particular, UniCT is the national leader for the Training and Dissemination actions in NQSTI, whose objective is to create synergic, competitive, and innovative research on QT, stimulating a path of industrial innovation that makes these technologies pervasive in society.


Call for 1 collaboration in training and communication

Call for 1 collaboration in training and communication

The DFA of the University of Catania (Quantum Catania) has opened the selections for n. 1 collaboration for training and communication activities on the topic of Quantum Science and Technology carried out by Spoke 9 of the National Quantum Science and Technology...

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Quantum technologies and industry

First meeting of the “Quantum” technical table.

Call for 1 collaboration in dissemination and communication activities

The DFA UniCT of the University of Catania (Quantum Catania) has opened the selections for n. 1 collaboration for dissemination and communication activities on the topic of Quantum Science and Technology carried out by Spoke 9 of the National Quantum Science and...

Call for 1 collaboration in training and communication

The DFA of the University of Catania (Quantum Catania) has opened the selections for n. 1 collaboration for training and communication activities on the topic of Quantum Science and Technology carried out by Spoke 9 of the National Quantum Science and Technology...
Quantum Catania


Quantum Catania
c/o Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia “Ettore Majorana”
Università di Catania

Via S. Sofia 64, 95123 Catania

Partita IVA 02772010878

E-mail: info@qucat.it