Quantum technologies and industry
First meeting of the “Quantum” technical table.
Call for 1 collaboration in dissemination and communication activities
The DFA UniCT of the University of Catania (Quantum Catania) has opened the selections for n. 1 collaboration for dissemination and communication activities on the topic of Quantum Science and Technology carried out by Spoke 9 of the National Quantum Science and...
Call for 1 collaboration in training and communication
The DFA of the University of Catania (Quantum Catania) has opened the selections for n. 1 collaboration for training and communication activities on the topic of Quantum Science and Technology carried out by Spoke 9 of the National Quantum Science and Technology...
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Quantum Catania
c/o Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia “Ettore Majorana”
Università di Catania
Via S. Sofia 64, 95123 Catania
Partita IVA 02772010878